Fast Heart Rate – When To Worry?

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A fast heartbeat is a cause for worry, especially if you begin to experience it suddenly and are not aware of what is causing it. You must understand what a fast heartbeat indicates, and when to consult a heart specialist to have it properly investigated and treated. As elevated heart rate is challenging to diagnose, the specialist will work carefully to detect your symptoms and come up with positive solutions to improve your quality of life. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Steven Reisman at the New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center to have your condition examined to treat abnormal heart rate and heart disease in the long run.

What Is Considered a Fast Heart Rate?

Symptoms of Tachycardia
Heart or pulse rate is the number of times your heart beats in a minute. It is a simple measure to know how much your heart works during rest or activities.

A fast heartbeat could mean different things for different people depending on their age and circumstances. Typically it has been calculated as having a resting heart rate faster than 100 beats per minute for adults. For most adults, resting heart rate lies in the range of 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Normally, the heart rate is lower when you are resting. A fast heart rate is usually expected during a certain level of physical activity or when you get stressed. A high heart rate without activity or elevated pulse rate with no reason needs medical attention as it could be a sign of some underlying problem and must be looked at by an expert heart doctor.

Read more: Heart Rate vs. Blood Pressure

Fast Heart Rate – Is It a Cause for Concern?

You could have a faster heart rate for several reasons. Consulting a doctor will give insight into what could be causing this condition and how to address it before it turns into something serious.

Some common causes of an increased heart rate include:

  • The excitement that stirs up the adrenaline;
  • Dehydration;
  • Consumption of nicotine;
  • Too much use of energy drinks.

There are times when having an increased heart rate is justified, such as when you are fighting a fever, getting over the flu, or recovering from surgery. The fast heart rate is the body’s way of saying it is working well. These signs are nothing to be alarmed about, but you should monitor your heart rate for a healthy heart and body. Doctors believe lifestyle changes can help to improve the condition and ensure it is nothing to worry about.

Most causes of a rapid heartbeat are not dangerous. However, a faster-than-usual heartbeat can be a symptom of an underlying health problem.

Other causes of a rapid heartbeat include:

  • Infection in the lungs, such as pneumonia;
  • Infection in the blood that causes a fever;
  • Anemia;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Too much intake of alcohol and caffeine;
  • Over the counter decongestants;
  • Appetite suppressants;
  • Thyroid disorders;
  • Heart disorders, including irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias);
  • Physical or mental exertion;
  • Illness and anxiety.
Heart Attack and Sudden Cardiac Death Aortic Valve Surgery Women and Heart Disease Aspirin in the Prevention of Heart Disease

Fast Heart and Tachycardia

A heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute is known as tachycardia. It can be caused by poor circulation that deprives your organs and tissues of oxygen which causes tachycardia-related signs and symptoms. In this condition, your heart fails to pump blood effectively to the rest of the body that may result in shortness of breath, light-headedness, palpitations, and rapid pulse rate.

In severe cases of tachycardia, you may experience chest pain and even fainting. It can be diagnosed by physical examination or a heart-monitoring test called an electrocardiogram.

Fast Heart Rate and Age

Fast heart rate has also been associated with age and health. It has been found that younger people have lower resting heart rates as compared to older people whose resting heart rate increases as they age.

Many people experience a faster and slower heart rate regardless of their age group. This is not related to age, but other factors could also contribute towards elevated heart rate.

They are fantastic! He is so pleasant to talk to. Made me feel very comfortable. The whole staff from beginning to end were Superb!!! Thanks to Dr. Reisman and his team I can sleep at night knowing my heart health is in good hands!!! Amanda Page

When to See a Doctor?

If you are experiencing an abnormal heart rate, you must note what additional symptoms you are facing or if any other factors are causing this condition.

You must see a doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms along with a fast heartbeat:

  • Shortness of breath;
  • Activity intolerance;
  • Palpitations;
  • Extreme fatigue.

Many people who face elevated heartbeat do not feel it or fail to associate it with other problems. The doctor will conduct some tests and take your medical history. He will also examine you carefully to discover possible causes of your condition.

How to Control Fast Heart Rate?

If you are concerned about your persistently high heart rate, schedule an appointment with your heart physician to get targeted treatment for your related medical issues.

Make sure to remain hydrated, take a balanced diet to maintain overall good health, and keep an eye on factors that help keep a normal heartbeat. Despite all this, if you continue to experience an elevated pulse rate, see a doctor for an evaluation.

Diagnosing and Treating Fast Heart Rate

The NYC heart doctor determines the causes of fast heart rate using the most advanced diagnostic equipment. Diagnostic tests include blood pressure measurements, EKGs, and ultrasound of the heart.

The doctor may also check if an increase in heartbeat occurs only when you change positions, such as standing up from sitting or lying down and vice versa. He will look for an imbalance of heart rate and blood pressure control in the body to suggest the best solutions for your condition.

Treatment for fast heart rate depends on its causes and severity of symptoms. Treatment options for increased heart rate include:

  • Exercises such as walking, swimming, or light aerobic activity to decrease resting heart rate and promote better flow of oxygen in lungs and heart;
  • Relaxation techniques to get rid of stress and reduce anxiety levels if they are the cause of high heart rate;
  • Regular use of medication as prescribed by the doctor.

If you continue to experience symptoms or side effects, contact a healthcare provider, so you can be diagnosed by an expert.

When a fast heart rate keeps you from taking part in life and concentrating on work, seek help from doctors experienced in dealing with what you are going through. Irregular or unusual heartbeat patterns should not be ignored as they may be a sign of some medical issue that can be alleviated with timely treatment and management options. Dr. Steven Reisman at the New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center specializes in the most comprehensive, modern treatment and provides solutions that work best for your specific discomfort.

Dr. Steven Reisman | Cardiologist in New York City

Dr. Steven Reisman is an internationally recognized cardiologist and heart specialist. He is a member of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, and a founding member of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.

Dr. Reisman has presented original research findings for the early detection of "high risk" heart disease and severe coronary artery disease at the annual meetings of both the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. Dr. Reisman was part of a group of doctors with the Food and Drug Administration who evaluated the dipyridamole thallium testing technique before the FDA approved it.

Dr. Steven Reisman's academic appointments include Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of California and Assistant Professor at SUNY. Hospital appointments include the Director of Nuclear Cardiology at the Long Island College Hospital.

This page was published on Oct 26, 2021, modified on Mar 5, 2023 by Dr. Reisman (Cardiologist) of New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center

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