Endo-PAT TestDoctor NYC: Stroke & Heart Attack Prevention Test

The New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center offers EndoPAT™ testing in cardiology nearby locations. This cardiac test provides the earliest method to clinically detect cardiovascular disease. EndoPAT testing is used to detect changes in the condition of the inner lining of your blood vessels as well as diagnosing your risk for a heart attack. This important cardiac test is an innovative, safe and non-invasive diagnostic device for functional vascular health assessment for both large and small arteries.

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Home / Endo-PAT TestDoctor NYC: Stroke & Heart Attack Prevention Test

An echocardiogram is a simple non- invasive 30 minute ultrasound examination of the heart which reveals both the structure and function of the heart.
This includes both static and dynamic pictures and can determine whether one has had a previous heart attack, an enlarged heart, or any abnormal structural or valvular abnormalities.

If the best in class cardiologist, Dr. Steven Reisman, uncovers that your endothelial cells appear to be damaged it can be an indication of the early signs of heart disease and the risk for a heart attack, which are potentially reversible when treated. These cells may become damaged by a fatty diet, smoking, stress hypertension, being over-weight, diabetes or lack of exercise.

The EndoPAT® is a state of the art medical device used worldwide for the diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease, a medical device cleared by the FDA for the assessment of endothelial function.

Dr. Reisman and his team are very well-organized, thorough, reliable and courteous. Dr. Reisman listens to my concerns carefully and uses the latest technology to examine me. I’m highly impressed by his performance. I would definitely give Dr. Reisman a five-star rating and wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone.

Courtney S.

I was very impressed by his focus, attention to details, and readiness to use whatever tests were necessary to determine the cause of my symptoms. He seemed quite approachable, willing to answer questions and — as should go without saying — respectful of me as the patient.

Eugene D.

Great doctor!! Took his time to explain any concerns I had, and called me before my appointment to better assist me with the testing I needed done. Highly recommend to anyone needing a doctor they can TRUST !

Bianca B.

Endo-PAT Cardiac Testing
Endo-PAT Cardiac Testing

Causes of Cardiac Events by Demographics Include (Reasons to be Tested):

  • Firefighters: Cardiovascular disease, intense prolonged physical stress, and psychological stress.
  • Athletes: Coronary heart disease, blunt force trauma to the chest cavity, and physical stress
  • Adult Population: Morbid obesity, lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs), coronary artery disease, previous heart attach

As one of the ultimate non-invasive diagnostic cardiac tools,the EndoPAT cardiac test has the potential to become the “heart’s mammogram” by helping asses heart disease risk and alerting patients to initiate preventive steps to keep it from progressing. This cardiac test is uniquely performed at the fingertip and proven to be accurate, sensitive and reproducible. Testing takes less than 30 minutes and is done by a simple, noninvasive procedure in the NYC cardiologists’ office.

If you have already suffered from a heart attack or other cardiovascular issues or dealing with symptoms such as chest pain, fatigue or shortness of breath, the The EndoPAT® test can provide important information about your risk and the success of treatment. Come visit our clinic to see the best nearby cardiologists in any of our cardiac testing centers in New York. Our doctors can quickly see you, perform the test and accurately interpret the results of a EndoPAT cardiac test.

Doctor’s Note: No food, nicotine, or caffeine 4 hours prior to your test. Your EndoScore™ (test results) are generated immediately following the test.

Heart Attack and Sudden Cardiac Death Aortic Valve Surgery Women and Heart Disease Aspirin in the Prevention of Heart Disease

If you have any questions for the best in class NYC cardiologist or would like to schedule a consultation or appointment please feel free to contact Dr. Steven Reisman of the New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center and indicate which Manhattan office (Upper East Side, Midtown Manhattan, or Wall Street / Financial District) you would like to see the cardiologist for a cardiac consultation.

Dr. Steven Reisman | Cardiologist in New York City

Dr. Steven Reisman is an internationally recognized cardiologist and heart specialist. He is a member of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, and a founding member of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.

Dr. Reisman has presented original research findings for the early detection of "high risk" heart disease and severe coronary artery disease at the annual meetings of both the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. Dr. Reisman was part of a group of doctors with the Food and Drug Administration who evaluated the dipyridamole thallium testing technique before the FDA approved it.

Dr. Steven Reisman's academic appointments include Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of California and Assistant Professor at SUNY. Hospital appointments include the Director of Nuclear Cardiology at the Long Island College Hospital.

Page Updated on Mar 23, 2023 by Dr. Reisman (Cardiologist) of New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center

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